Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Crafties

BIG stencil project!

My favorite!! Vintage word cards on canvas.

Marching Elephants, on wood

A sort of 3D collage on canvas with some of the little things I collect in jars, many are from my childhood.

Inspired by my friend Emily's blog, I decided to post more about projects I have been working on. I began a massive stenciling project in our dinning room, in the fall, but stopped when I became pregnant. Oh the first trimester.... Now I am back in action and ready to get it done! Here is a picture from this weekend, although, I am happy to report, I added another row since the picture was taken. It has been challenging, there are some mistakes, which upon close inspection, are obvious. I feel pretty good about the endeavor, I have never stenciled anything more then a shirt and paper. I was also inspired to start making collages for the baby room (my craft room too). I made three last night! It feels so good to feel good and feel creative again. Thanks, Emily for the inspiration!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

After a looong pause, Hello!

This amazing pull toy is by crafter, Katie Steuernagle. Here is a link to her demo on Martha's show

I love anything to do with special lighting. Complete "how to" found here

From here

Can't remember where I found this image, but I love the simple impact

I have some exciting things to share that I have been working on this weekend, but meanwhile, here are some ideas that have been lurking in my "to be posted" folder.