Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring-ish things

Porch with newly sprouted hyacinths

Daffodils from mom's yard

Around the corner

We are making great progress around the house! All the painting is done, things are falling back into their places and slowly, we are hanging art on the walls. Here are just a few pictures from around the house, yard and neighborhood. More interior shots coming soon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cut Paper

I just discovered this amazing blog! I had to take a rest from looking at it because its just SO overwhelming. So much beauty and detail, its hard to take it all in. If you look at her other blogs, the beauty just continues. Anyhow, it encouraged me to get back to cutting paper.. such a simple concept with minimal tools, but I can't get over how lovely the results can be. As soon as my crafty table has a permanent home, I will start cutting.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A BIG project finished!

What a great feeling! I finally finished the big stencil project. Here is a not-so-good picture of the results. I need to borrow back my good camera with the wide angle lens to really capture it!
I also made large sized valentine cards this week with my students. We have been working on monotype prints with stencils and here are a few images of my favorites. You can also check out my students' work here.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This and That...

I know you are all sick of the snow, but these are lovely!
tutorial here

A wonderful website with free folding toys!

Our nursery inspiration

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Crafties

BIG stencil project!

My favorite!! Vintage word cards on canvas.

Marching Elephants, on wood

A sort of 3D collage on canvas with some of the little things I collect in jars, many are from my childhood.

Inspired by my friend Emily's blog, I decided to post more about projects I have been working on. I began a massive stenciling project in our dinning room, in the fall, but stopped when I became pregnant. Oh the first trimester.... Now I am back in action and ready to get it done! Here is a picture from this weekend, although, I am happy to report, I added another row since the picture was taken. It has been challenging, there are some mistakes, which upon close inspection, are obvious. I feel pretty good about the endeavor, I have never stenciled anything more then a shirt and paper. I was also inspired to start making collages for the baby room (my craft room too). I made three last night! It feels so good to feel good and feel creative again. Thanks, Emily for the inspiration!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

After a looong pause, Hello!

This amazing pull toy is by crafter, Katie Steuernagle. Here is a link to her demo on Martha's show

I love anything to do with special lighting. Complete "how to" found here

From here

Can't remember where I found this image, but I love the simple impact

I have some exciting things to share that I have been working on this weekend, but meanwhile, here are some ideas that have been lurking in my "to be posted" folder.